Does my Child Have Retained Primitive Reflexes?

What to do if you SUSPECT your Child has Retained Primitive Reflexes - How to screen and test for them.


Retained primitive reflexes can and do cause developmental, emotional and social delays in children.

This course details how to screen and test your child for each of EIGHT Retained Primitive Reflexes. 

This course is not meant to diagnose or treat and is for educational purposes

Is this course right for you?


If you answer yes to five or more of these questions, this class is for you.

·        Does your child have an awkward pencil grip?

·        Does your child have difficulty telling the time on an analogue clock?

·        Do they have difficulty riding a bicycle?

·        Does your child sit with his/her legs in a "W" fashion?

·        Do they suffer from recurrent sinus or ear infections or headaches? 

·        Do they have difficulty catching a ball? 

·        Does your child have ‘ants in the pants’?

·        Has your child been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD/ODD?

·        Does your child stick out their tongue when using their hands?

·        Does your child have speech and/or language problems?

·        Does your child have poor coordination?

·        Is your child emotionally immature?

·        Is your child sensitive to light, sounds, and/or touch?

·        Does your child suffer from allergies, asthma, eczema, recurring sinus infections or any autoimmune disorder?

·        Does your child suck his/her thumb past the age of five?

·        Does your child wet the bed past the age of five?

·        Does your child have chronic digestive issues?

·        Does your child have poor concentration?

·        Does your child have poor short-term memory?

·        Does your child have poor hand/eye coordination?

·        Does your child have an awkward gait (walk)?

·        Does your child have poor depth perception?

·        Does your child have difficulty in sports?

·        Does your child have math and reading issues?

·        Does your child have poor balance?

·        Does your child have difficulty expressing things in writing?

·        Does your child have difficulty copying from the board?

·        Does your child have a poor sense of rhythm and/or timing - can't dance?

·        Does your child get motion sickness easily?

·        Does your child prefer to walk on his/her toes?

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